Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Years Resolution: Simplify

Thank you, Peter, for my wonderful Kindle Fire.  It was a lovely Christmas present.  You were right, I was wrong. I truly love it.  It was one of the most perfect gifts for me that I've ever received. 

One of the very first things I read on my Kindle was a book by Joshua Becker titled "Simplify."  While always sort of a minimalist (very loosely speaking) at heart, this book really resonated with me, and then I really spoke to Peter.  And spoke to Peter.  And spoke to Peter.  To the point that when I say, "Hey!" to him, he responds, "What do you want me to get rid of now?"  Over the last several weeks we have dumped and dumped possessions from our house.  Sadly, aside from the overly large china cabinet that no longer stands sentry in our dining room, you can hardly identify what's missing.  Which means we have a long way to go.  The kids have gotten on board as well, because they've recognized that at the end of the day, there just isn't as much to clean up. 

We're already seeing so many rewards from this new lifestyle. 
  • We have more family time together already because we aren't cleaning and sorting and organizing all of the time.
  • We aren't buying junk.  So we're helping the earth a bit, we're leaving a little more cash in our wallets, and there is less to pick up and trip over.
  • Our house just looks cleaner already, because there isn't cluttered piles anymore.
  • And we feel free. 
The simplification process hasn't just stopped at possessions.  We are simplifying our commitments and social schedules.  We are starting to really identify what is important to us, because we are innately busy just by there being four children.  And in the midst of all of this, we are finding we are less stressed already.  What a great way to start 2012.

So...if you find you are in need of something...give me a call.  I might be willing to part with mine, if I haven't already.

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