Gallery of Beauties

Mommy and Nina

Mommy and Jocelyn

Jocleyn sporting her new hat.

Jocelyn left (little sisters rock), Nina right (big sisters rock)!

Ethan reaching for the sky!

Samuel enjoying the spring of 2011 - finally!

Ethan hitting the sandbox.

Samuel taking a ride in the old wooden swing.

Ethan cruising on his tricycle.

Nina has her first swing - she digs it!

Jocelyn has her first swing - she seems to like it too!

Grandma and Papa at the Country Fair in Gillette with all the kids.

Mommy with Jocelyn left, Nina right. 

Ethan and mommy playing with pipe cleaners.

We made really cool spiders with pipe cleaners!

My handsome, perfect for me husband, Peter.